In 2011 - I decided to go on a trip from Austin, Texas to Maracay, Venezuela. I drove across Mexico, Central America and part of South America.
Since I ever remember when I came to this country I wanted to drive back home across the Panamerican Highway from north to south. It took me many years to see one of my biggest dream I become a reality. Traveling it is something I always liked. I only travelled from Austin to Venezuela. This trip took me around 4 Months but I decided to stay in Venezuela for another 6 months. I returned to Austin at the end of April 2012.
When I got back home here in Austin I knew for sure that I want to spend more time traveling, Since July 2012 I have wanting to take another trip but I Haven't got a job that will allow me to save a lot of money for another trip. It wasn't until july 2015 I decided to take a trip to see Le Tour De France, This trip was big for me because since I was living in Venezuela I wanted to see the Tour.
Maracay, Venezuela
Venezuela, I was born and raised in it, I am proud to say that I come from a country in which we are very proud of our beautiful women, People, Beaches Etc., Venezuela Welcome You
Caruso Restaurant Barichara, Colombia
This was the longest journey so far I have taken in my life, This beautiful photo is from Barichara, Colombia. Colombia welcome you !!
Le Tour De France 2015
Le Tour De France was a trip of a lifetime that I have waited for a long time and I have to say that I enjoyed every single minute. So much to do in this country.
Reservoir at Pueblo West, Colorado
I took this trip a couple of weeks after I cameback from France, Nice state, nice climate and the People are super nice. One of a kind town " Pueblo West " Colorado.
For the moments I am in Austin, Texas my hometown. Right now I just planning my next trip and I am working hard to save money working two jobs.
I also have some embroidery done on a hat with my logo on it.
I ahve created a quick with some details on the route I took on my trip in 2011
Gas prices change daily but in latinAmerican stay about the same. Here is a list of prices in 2011-2012
This route goes from Lisbon Portugal. To Spain, France and Switzerland.
This a quick trip that I made to Colorado in 2012 when I cameback from my trip.
Here I created a list of some of my friends and sites of People who travelled the Americas.
I have put together some information about border crossing back in 2011 during my Journey..
This photo was taken in the city of Guatape, Colombia. It is located about 1 hour going east from Medellin.
This city is better known as "CITY OF ZOCALOS" for its nice baseboards at the bottom of the houses.